ThIs iS The tImE tO Do thE ThInG tHaT SeeMs rIte..
ENtEr tHe claSs, gO aNd haVe a SEat,
opened thE SEal OF THe fiLe,
lOok dOwN THe floor ,
it dOesn't haVe a tIle.
"MOTI Ram" iT aINt a gOod schOol,
iT aiNt hAve a gOod pRofile.
LEaVe it , i sTaRTEd it in style
im SIttinG fOh iIt , i haVe mY ID,
thIs iS Mah aDmiT Card
heY LoOk there's mY PHoToGARh
eEh..! I kNoW I dOnt lOok lIkE a genTlemAN
BuT If i gEt mY HAircUt
ill jUst lOok liKe eMInem,
stIll sitTin nOthIN To dO,
So em wRittiN THiS Shit
bUh thIs sHit iS CoMpleTEd wAT ShUd i dO NexT ??
So i stArtEd scRachiN My nUtS ;)
THeRE WeRE itCHing
jUst LIke thAt bITcHE's wEArY BuTtS,
sEe thE ClOck ,
i sAw thE CLoCk ,
30 mIn stIlL LeFt , wAt i fElt nOw iS thAt
i shUd sTart tHE eXam nOw
bUt rEAdIN THe fIrST QuE
THe bEll rAnGEd aND They aNnOuNCEd stOp wRitTin nOw..:-D
ENtEr tHe claSs, gO aNd haVe a SEat,
opened thE SEal OF THe fiLe,
lOok dOwN THe floor ,
it dOesn't haVe a tIle.
"MOTI Ram" iT aINt a gOod schOol,
iT aiNt hAve a gOod pRofile.
LEaVe it , i sTaRTEd it in style
im SIttinG fOh iIt , i haVe mY ID,
thIs iS Mah aDmiT Card
heY LoOk there's mY PHoToGARh
eEh..! I kNoW I dOnt lOok lIkE a genTlemAN
BuT If i gEt mY HAircUt
ill jUst lOok liKe eMInem,
stIll sitTin nOthIN To dO,
So em wRittiN THiS Shit
bUh thIs sHit iS CoMpleTEd wAT ShUd i dO NexT ??
So i stArtEd scRachiN My nUtS ;)
THeRE WeRE itCHing
jUst LIke thAt bITcHE's wEArY BuTtS,
sEe thE ClOck ,
i sAw thE CLoCk ,
30 mIn stIlL LeFt , wAt i fElt nOw iS thAt
i shUd sTart tHE eXam nOw
bUt rEAdIN THe fIrST QuE
THe bEll rAnGEd aND They aNnOuNCEd stOp wRitTin nOw..:-D
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