Tuesday, 10 May 2011

nDa ---- jUSt dO iT!!!!

In tHe eMpTy PAge
thE OnlY ShIt thAt waS WrITteN On iT waS
- sPaCe fOh RouGh wOrk.
ThEy thOuGhT liKe em gOnNa uSe it
theY JuST toOk lOlz Out Of mEAh..!!
So N.d.A heRe wE Go
SEE THe paper it gOt a empTY SpaCe
it waS FoH ROuGh wORK
so jUst dO it
i haVe gOt sOme rapshit
so jUst dO it
i haVe gOt mY PENcil
sO JUst uSe it,
juST WrITe it
i gOt stuck with ques
it physics
fuck it
lets do some mathematics
i know its difficult
so lets practice
i have got some rough work
lets use it
here the exam starts
part I ,paper one look simple ,
mathS oops , its a holy shit,
i got bit pimpered
still workin
to solve wat i never did, em gettin puzzled
my lil mind was unable to get idea
and that inviligilator whispered so my last idea to cheat got shattered
there were 120 ques and i took pity
on my lil brain
so i did almost ninty
then had a look on mah timy
the time left was just 15 min , its sO Tiny
..at last i started with colourin the circles
i know my drawing is good
and yeAh i did it correctly
yo part one finished
my dad yeah the one standin there with water bottle in hand
waited for me since nine wat a champ
he got our lunch and a bottle of slice
he waS sorry , he didnt bought the dew
but dont worry dad , its ok
After couple of hours the second part starts
as the clock banged
the bell ranged ol the students ran
buh i
i walked in style
like rajni do it every time
the cheker screamed where's this guy
but fucker
take a look outside
see sady
look as he enters
the part II WAs bit scary
the ques were too lazy
it can make anyon crazy
english was ok
but Gk waS AMazing
birbal sahni
who the fuck is that
i neverd heard of it
anywhere anytime
done with physics,
Geo, history waS just a Mystry
exAm is over
fuck solvin
i have olready used my space for rough work
i have already done wit rap work
now im left with this
question paper and this fucking one hour
now em thinkin bauh results,
i dont care bauh results, no matter
if get it clear or i be known as dropper
i am a rapper,
i dont care baut the future
at last my mind said
fuck everything, fuck shit
here's ur chance so just do it.......!!!!!

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